Economics Summer 2025 Courses
Summer session enrollment opens for continuing students on May 1 at 9 a.m.!
Taking advantage of courses offered in summer has multiple rewards: It is an opportunity for you to take a much smaller class than in normal quarters, it helps you get pre-requisites and major requirements out of the way, and is a great excuse to spend the summer in the woods!
*If you are having prerequisite issues while registering for a summer class, please contact the advisers in the Economics Department Office by emailing them at
For more information about Summer Sessions, visit the Summer Session site here.
Economics Courses not offered during school year:
ECON 20: Economics for Non-Majors
Session 1 (6/23-7/25); Online
Why aren’t college athletes paid? Does Uber’s surge pricing annoy you? How much does a ticket to Taylor Swift really ‘cost’? Why is the shared kitchen in your dorm a mess? Why are all of your clothes made in China? Is Tik-Tok really free? Learn about these questions and more when you take Economics for Non-Majors (ECON 20).
Instructor: Julie Gonzalez