Working Papers

Copies of these papers are downloadable in PDF format from this web page. They are also available from individual faculty members (see Faculty information page) or from the Economics Department.

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748. Andrew Barber and Jeremy West. "Conditional Cash Lotteries Increase COVID-19 Vaccination Rates"  Journal of Health Economics, January 2022. 



747. Dan Friedman and Shuchen Zhao. "When Are Mixed Equilibria Relevant?" Department working paper, August 2019.

746. Arshad Mirza and Nirvikar Singh. "The 0.0003 Percent: Short-Run Dynamics of Extreme Wealth in America." Department working paper, June 2019.


745. Ajay Shenoy, Dahyeon Jeong, Laura Zimmermann. "Are Transparency and Accountability Enough? Open Corruption and Why it Exists." Department working paper, November 2018.

744. Dan Friedman, Sameh Habib, Duncan James, and Sean Crockett. "Varieties of Risk Elicitation". Department working paper, January 2018.


743. Sean Crockett, Daniel Friedman, and Ryan Oprea. "Aggregation and Convergence in Experimental General Equilibrium Economies Constructed from Naturally Occurring Preferences". Department working paper, December 2017.

742. Dahyeon Jeong and Ajay Shenoy. "Endogenous Institutions: The Case of U.S. Comgressional Redistricting", Department working paper, September 2017.

741. Dahyeon Jeong and Ajay Shenoy. "Do Voters or Politicians Choose the Outcomes of Elections? Evidence from High Stakes U.S. State Legislative Elections", Department working paper, Septmeber 2017.

740. Arshad Mirza and Nirvikar Singh. "Mental Health Policy in India: Seven Sets of Questions and Some Answers", Department working paper, September 2017.

739. Nirvikar Singh. "Financial Inclusion: Concepts, Issues and Policies for India", Department working paper, July 2017.

738. Eric Aldrich and Daniel Friedman. "A Theoretical Model of the Investors Exchange", Department working paper, July 2017.


737. Daniel Friedman, Jijian Fan, Jonathan Gair, Sriya Iyer, Bartosz Redlicki and Chander Velu. "How Fundamentalism Takes Root: A Simulation Study", Department working paper, December 2016.

736. Caichun Chai, Eilin Francis, Tiaojun Xiao. "Supply Chain Dynamics with Assortative Matching", Department working paper, September 2016.

735. Katherine LoPiccalo. "Driving to Drink: Tax Avoidance Along the Washington-Oregon Border", Department working paper, April 2016.

734. Dan Friedman. "Online Ad Auctions: An Experiment", Department working paper, February 2016.


733. Rob Fairlie and George Bulman. "Technology and Education: Computers, Software, and the Internet", Department working paper, October 2015.

732. Rob Fairlie and Magnus Lotstrom. "Immigration and Entrepreneurship", Department working paper, October 2015.

731. Nirvikar Singh. "Punjab's Agricultural Innovation Challenge", Department working paper, October 2015.

730. Nirvikar Singh. "Breaking the Mold: Thoughts on Punjab's Future Economic Development", Department working paper, October 2015.

729. Linh Bun and Nirvikar Singh. "Heterogeneous Patterns of Financial Development: Implications for Asian Financial Integration", Department working paper, October 2015.

728. Daniel Friedman, Matt Baumer, Curtis Kephart. "Emergence of Networks and Market Institutions in a Large Virtual Economy", CAFIN and Department working paper, October 2015.

727. Rob Fairlie. "Do Boys and Girls Use Computers Differently, and Does It Contribute to Why Boys do Worse in School than Girls?", Department working paper, July 2015.

726. Nirvikar Singh, Anick Yaha, JeanPaul Rabanal. "How Do Extreme Global Shocks Affect Foreign Portfolio Investment?", Department working paper, May 2015.

725. Matt Baumer and Curtis Kephart. "Aggregate Dynamics in a Large Virtual Economy: Prices and Real Activity in Team Fortress 2*", Department working paper, March 2015.

724. Ajay Shenoy. "Market Failures and Misallocation", Department working paper, February 2015.

723. Ajay Shenoy. "Risky Income or Lumpy Investments? Evidence on Two Theories of Under-Specialization", Department working paper, September 2014.


722. Eric Aldrich. "A Compound Multigractal Model for High-Frequency Asset Returns", Department working paper, August 2014.

721. Robert Fairlie. "Behind the GATE Experiment: Evidence on Effects of and Rationales for Subsidized Entrepreneurship Training", Department working paper, May 2014.

720. Robert Fairlie. "A Community College Instructor Like Me: Race and Ethnicity Interactions in the Classroom", Department working paper, January 2014.

719. Nirvikar Singh. "Reforming India's Institutions of Public Expenditure Governance", Department working paper, Revised October 2013.

718. Nirvikar Singh. "Information Technology and its Role in India's Economic Development: A Review", Department working paper, April 2014.


717. Weishi (Grace) Gu, "The Cost of Benefits, Financial Conditions, and Employment Dynamics in Recent U.S. Recoveries", Department working paper, December 2013.

716. Nirvikar Singh, Jake Kendall, R.K. Jain, Jai Chander. "Regional Inequality in India in the 1990s: District-Level View", Department working paper, December 2013.

Nirvikar Singh, Jake Kendall, R.K. Jain, Jai Chander. "Regional Inequality in India in the 1990s: A Further Look", Department working paper, December 2013.

Robert Fairlie, Jonathan Robinson. "Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Home Computers on Academic Achievement among Schoolchildren", Department working paper, December 2013.

Robert Fairlie, Samantha Grunberg. "Access to Technology and the Transfer Function of Community Colleges: Evidence from a Field Experiment", Department working paper, November 2013.

Orcan Cortuk, Nivikar Singh. "Analyzing the Structural Change and Growth Relationship in India: State-level Evidence", Department working paper, November 2013.

. Siong Hook Law, Nirvikar Singh. "Does Too Much Finance Harm Economic Growth?", Department working paper, October 2013.

710Inderjit Kaur, Nirvikar Singh. "China, India and Industrial Policy for Inclusive Growth", Department working paper, October 2013.

709. Inderjit Kaur, Nirvikar Singh. "Financial Integration in East Asia: past, Present and Possible Futures", Department working paper, October 2013.

Aaron Chatterji, Kenneth Chay, Robert Fairlie. "The Impact of City Contracting Set-Asides on Black Self-Employment and Employment", Department working paper, February 2013.


707. Ambrish Dongre. "Can Conditional Cash Transfers Impact Institutional Deliveries? Evidence from Janani Suraksha Yojana in India", Department working paper, December 2012.

Joshua Aizenman, Ilan Noy. "Macroeconomic Adjustment and the History of Crises in Open Economies", Department working paper, November 2012.

Joshua Aizenman. "The US 19th and 20th century experiences: Lessons for the Eurozone crisis", Department working paper, October 2012.

704. Donald Wittman and Nirvikar Singh. "Evolution and Depression", Department working paper, August 2012.

703. Donald Wittman. "Strategic Behavior and Organizational Structure in Religions", Department working paper, April 2012.

702. Dan Friedman, Timothy Cason, and Ed Hopkins. "Cycles and Instability in a Rock-Paper-Scissors Population Game: a Continuous Time Experiment", Department working paper, July 2012.

701. Dan Friedman, Steffen Huck, Ryan Oprea, and Simon Weidenholzer. "From Imitation to Collusion: Long-run Learning in a Low-Information Environment", Department working paper, July 2012.

700. Joshua Aizenman and Yothin Jinjarak. "Income inequality, tax base and sovereign spreads", Department working paper, June 2012.

699. Joshua Aizenman. "The Euro and the global crises: finding the balance between short term stabilization and forward looking reforms", Department working paper, May 2012.

698. Nirvikar Singh and Jesse Mora. "Trade Productivity Upgrading, Trade Fragmentation, and FDI in Manufacturing: The Asian Development Experience", Department working paper, March 2012.

697. Nirvikar Singh, Jesse Mora, and Terrie Carolan. "Trade Dynamics in the East Asian Miracle: A Time Series Analysis of U.S.-East Asia Commodity Trade, 1962-1992", Department working paper, February 2012.

696. Joshua Aizenman and Kenta Inoue. "Central Banks and Gold Puzzles", Department working paper, February 2012.

695. Joshua Aizenman and Hiro Ito. "Trilemma Policy Convergence Patterns and Output Volatility", Department working paper, January 2012


694. Joshua Aizenman, Sebastian Edwards, and Daniel Riera-Crichton. "Adjustment Patterns to Commodity terms of Trade Shocks: The Role of Exchange Rate and International Reserves Policies", Department working paper, December 2011. VoxEU page. Forthcoming, Journal of International Money and Finance.

693. Joshua Aizenman and Rajeswari Sengupta. "The Financial Trilemma in China and a Comparative Analysis with India", Department working paper, Revised March 2012. VoxEu page, forthcoming, Pacific Economic Review.

692. Joshua Aizenman, Yothin Jinjarak, and Donghyun Park. "Capital Flows and Economic Growth in the Era of Financial Integration and Crisis, 1990-2010", Department working paper, October 2011.

691. Joshua Aizenman and Yothin Jinjarak. "Income Inequality, Tax Base and Sovereign Spreads", Department working paper, October 2011.

690. Robert Fairlie and Harry Krashinsky. "Liquidity Constraints, Household Wealth, and Entrepreneurship Revisited", Department working paper, August 2011.

689. Joshua Aizenman, Brian Pinto, and Vladyslav Sushko. "Financial Sector Ups and Downs and the Real Sector: Up by the Stairs and Down by the Parachute", Department working paper, Revised November 2012.

688. Joshua Aizenman and Yothin Jinjarak. "The Fiscal Stimulus of 2009-10: Trade Openness, Fiscal Space and Exchange Rate Adjustment", SCIIE / Department working paper, July 2011, forthcoming, NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2011, Jeff Frankel and C. Pissarides, editors.

687. Joshua Aizenman and Brian Pinto.  "Managing Financial Integration and Capital Mobility—Policy lessons from the past two decades", SCIIE / Department working paper, July 2011.

686. Joshua Aizenman and Vladyslav Sushko. "Capital Flow Types, External Financing Needs, and Industrial Growth: 99 countries, 1991-2007", SCIIE / Department working paper, July 2011. 

685. Joshua Aizenman and Vladyslav Sushko. "Capital flows: Catalyst or Hindrance to economic takeoffs?", SCIIE / Department working paper, July 2011.

684. Daniel Friedman and Jozsef Sakovics. "The Marginal Utility of Money:  A Modern Marshallian Approach to Consumer Choice", Department working paper, July 2011.

683. Joshua Aizenman, Menzie Chinn and Hiro Ito. "Surfing the Waves of Globalization: Asia and Financial Globalizatio in the Context of the Trilemma", Department working paper, June 2011.

682. Joshua Aizenman and Gurnain Pasricha. "The Net Fiscal Expenditure Stimulus in the U.S., 2008-9: Less Than What You Might Think, and Less Than the Fiscal Stimuli of Most OECD Countries", Department working paper, June 2011.

681. Dan Friedman. "Risky Curves: From Unobservable Utility to Observable Opportunity Sets", June 2011. 

680. Rob Fairlie. "Entrepreneurship, Economic Conditions, and the Great Recession", May 2011.

679. Rob Fairlie. "High-Technology Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley", February 2011.

678. Joshua Aizenman. "The Impossible Trinity - from the Policy Trilemma to the Policy Quadrilemma", March 2011.

677. Yin-Wong Cheung. "Renminbi Going Global", February 2011.

676. Joshua Aizenman, Michael Hutchison and Yothin Jinjarak. "What is the Risk of European Sovereign Debt Defaults? Fiscal Space, CDS Spreads and Market Mispricing of Risk", revised September 2011.

675. Joshua Aizenman and Gurnain Pasricha. "Net Fiscal Stimulus During the Great Recession", February 2011.


674. Joshua Aizenman and Yothin Jinjarak. "De facto Fiscal Space and Fiscal Stimulus: Definition and Assessment", revised December 2010.

673. Joshua Aizenman, Jaewoo Lee and Vladyslav Sushko. "From the Great Moderation to the Global Crisis: Exchange Market Pressure in the 2000s", October 2010.

672. Joshua Aizenman and Rajeswari Sengupta. "Global Imbalances: Is Germany the new China? A Skeptical View", revised December 2010.

671. Joshua Aizenman and R. Glick. "Asset Class Diversification and Delegation of Responsibilities between Central Banks and Sovereign Wealth Funds", September 2010.

670. Joshua Aizenman and Gurnain Kaur Pasricha. "Fiscal Fragility: What the Past says about the Future", September 2010.

669. Joshua Aizenman and Gurnain Kaur Pasricha. "Determinants of Financial Stress and Recovery during the Great Recession", September 2010.

668. Joshua Aizenman and Michael Hutchison. "Exchange Market Pressure and Absorption by International Reserves: Emerging Markets and Fear of Reserve Loss During the 2008-09 Crisis", September 2010.

667. Ryan Oprea, Keith Henwood and Daniel Friedman. "Separating the Hawks from the Doves: Evidence from Continuous Time Laboratory Games", July 2010.

666. Joshua Aizenman. "The Impossible Trinity (aka The Policy Trilemma)", May 2010.

665. Joshua Aizenman with Yothin Jinjarak and Donghyun Park. "International Reserves and Swap Lines: Substitutes or Complements?", March 2010.

664. Joshua Aizenman with Gurnain Kaur Pasricha. "On the Ease of Overstating the Fiscal Stimulus in the US, 2008-09", February 2010.

663. Nirvikar Singh and Orcan Cortuk. "Structural Change and Growth in India", February 2010.

662. Joshua Aizenman. "Macro Prudential Supervision in the Open Economy, and the role of Central Banks in Emerging Markets", January 2010.