Economics Professor Galina Hale Advocates for Climate Solutions in TedX Talk

July 12, 2024

Economics Professor Galina Hale recently presented at TEDxSantaCuz in April 2024. Her talk, "Funding Climate Solutions", discusses the need to view climate change and its solutions through an economic lens, the role of wealthier nations and corporations in driving climate innovation, and how individuals are not powerless to help solve this giant problem.

Reflecting on her experience, Galina stated, “It was very different from the academic presentations I am used to delivering. I had to memorize it word for word, and I was quite nervous. The audience was very welcoming, so that was nice.”  When asked about her main takeaways, Galina added, "I enjoyed making personal connections with other speakers and community organizations that put together an event. There are so many talented people around and so many of them are working on making our world better. It’s very inspiring.”

Dr. Hale's talk provides a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding climate change finance and provides real ways individuals can drive positive change with their dollars. She hopes the audience understood the importance of private investment in climate solutions, and how their personal or professional saving and spending decisions can help direct financial sector investments in climate solutions.

Watch Galina Hale's TEDxSantaCruz talk below.