Online Courses - Spring and Summer 2020
Take advantage of the value and benefits of online education. These include learning new subjects, flexibility to fit the courses within your schedule, opportunity to review videos (classes) multiple times, educationally challenging, and the ability to continue to make degree progress.
Spring 2020 Offerings
Econ 10B, Economics of Accounting II (Managerial)
See Econ 10B Online Video here!
Econ 133, Security Markets and Financial Institutions
Summer 2020 Offerings
Econ 10A, Economics of Accounting I (Financial)Econ 10B, Economics of Accounting II (Managerial)
Econ 100A-02*, Intermediate Microeconomics
Econ 133, Security Markets and Financial Institutions
Econ 161A*, Marketing
* online offerings of Econ 100A and 161A are pending CCI approval