Peer Advising Program

Photo by Carolyn Lagattuta. Photograph taken prior to COVID-19. UCSC is following all CDC guidelines.

Associate Professor Alan Spearot, Chair and Faculty Sponsor

Staff Supervisor: Lisa Morgan (831-459-5028) Undergraduate Programs and Peer Adviser Coordinator

Access the peer advisor application here. If you have any questions about the application or our program, please email Lisa Morgan at 

The Economics Peer Advising program is designed as a way for business management economics, economics, global economics, economics/mathematics and environmental studies/economics sophomores, juniors and seniors to help other economics undergraduates by answering questions, providing information and giving advice about the economics majors. Peer advisers represent the Economics Department at campus events and orientations, work on projects, and assist the staff.

Peer advisers enroll in a two-unit independent study. Please note that we offer this as pass/no pass only (no letter grades).


The time commitment for peer advising is four-six hours/week; this time is spent in a space in the Economics Department. Peer advising hours are scheduled during the following times: M-F 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. (office closes at 3:00 p.m.). Peer advisers MUST complete their four-six hours per week. If peer advisers are unable to make their scheduled time, they should contact another peer adviser and try to swap hours. If this is not possible or is an emergency, peer advisers should inform Peer Adviser Coordinator Lisa Morgan as soon as possible. An attempt to schedule a new time will be made. There is a daily sign-in sheet and a schedule is posted.

We are looking for students who have completed or will have completed and done well in the intermediate core courses, Econ 100A, 100B and 113.

Peer advisers are expected to complete a project during the quarter. The project can be completed either independently, or with a partner or larger group. You must let Lisa know what you plan to work on by the end of the second week of the quarter if projects haven't already been assigned to you. (See below for project ideas.)

Peer advisers are also expected to complete a two-three page final report about their experience as a peer adviser, including a description of their project(s). The report is due no later than by noon on the first day of finals week.

Commonly asked questions that peer advisers can answer may include: How do I declare my major? What are the requirements for the major? How do I go about getting letters of recommendation? Where is room X? What are Professor X's office hours? What is an independent study?

Application Deadline

Please have all application materials turned in to the department office one quarter in advance of when you want to participate and no later than by the first Monday of week five's instruction. You may also contact Lisa Morgan directly about needing an extension. Peer Advising Application (PDF)